Demonic Eyes - Spiritual WarfareYou won’t find anything on spiritual warfare in your science books. They don’t even have it on their radar. What science can “see”, however, is the presence of invisible realities we never knew existed. Things like bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and radioactive emissions threaten our lives even though we cannot see them. It’s time to gain eyes to see what science is blind to. Two invisible kingdoms are at war all around you; sometimes you even feel the “tug of war” going on within you. It really helps to know what you are up against–that way we can “guard are hearts with diligence” and take effective counter-measures through Holy Spirit directed prayers.

The Monkey Trap

The Monkey Trap

Ah, the monkey trap… What is it you may ask? Only a most ingenious way to catch those tasty, high flying monkeys, dreamed up by hungry, indigenous people on the jungle floor! The beauty of it is that the monkey trap uses the exasperating nature of the monkey against him. Imagine the poor natives taunted and at times pelted by these irascible creatures who stay safely out of reach in the branches above them and you will …

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Catch the Little Foxes

Catching “Little Foxes”

“Catch the little foxes!” the shepherd tells his beloved maiden. Why? They’re so cute! Oh, but her lover wants to share the joy of new wine with her, and that will never happen if little foxes get to the grapevine first. Little foxes aren’t obvious dangers like wolves and lions. All they do is nibble on tender young plants, seeking the budding fruit. However, if that’s allowed to go on, the grapevine won’t have a chance to mature. Its grapes will be lost before…

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Not in Your Strength Alone

Not in Your Strength Alone

You don’t have to fight the enemy in your own strength! To escape fear or any other assault by a negative emotion, don’t plunge into rebuking it first thing. That’s like trying to muscle your way through it, hoping to get past the obstacle that is coming between you and your sense of God’s peace and presence. It is true that sin and our agreement with it begins to separate us from God.but the enemy knows this too..

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