Spiritual Warfare

Waiting For Someone

Waiting for Someone to Get Tired

We hate waiting, especially waiting in lines, don’t we? I’m always looking ahead to see who might hold the line up and why. Yesterday, I read the signs right and escaped a dead-end line at the store just in time to get into one that whisked me through. It doesn’t go like that every time. Here’s a line I can’t avoid. The “prayer lines” we wait in, hoping for changes our loved ones need, can suffer long delays (somebody say amen).Today, the Lord gave me a flash of insight to what often holds things up…

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Why It's Hard

Why It’s Hard to Feel God’s Delight

Ever wonder why it’s so hard to feel God’s delight in you? How can God possibly delight in any of us? Some days it takes a lot of faith just to believe that He can love and forgive us. But that He actually delights in us, rejoices over us, has passionate affections for us, and is constantly devoted to us—this really seems too much to ask! First, let us identity the enemy’s strategy: he and his kingdom have been continuously at…

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Time to Ring The Gong

Time to Ring the Gong on Feelings?

TIME TO RING THE GONG ON FEELINGS? Don’t you wish you could banish some of your feelings as easily as banging on the gong banished unwanted performers from the Gong Show stage? What good are the crummy ones anyway? Where do they come from? And why do the ones we hate stick to us like glue, while the ones we love drift so easily away? These were the mysteries of the interior…

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Set Free By The Keys

Set Free by the Keys! (God’s Kingdom Keys)

Why Do We Need Keys? Do you ever feel bound up with all kinds of negative emotions—with attitudes and feelings that you don’t like, don’t want and can’t very easily shake off? And you want to be set free quickly, right? Think of the strong hold that anxiety, jealousy, anger, worry, guilt and depression and fear can get on you at times—and how much you hate it when they do. Wouldn’t being set free of these pesky problems once and for all be…

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