Overcoming Unbelief

Caught In The Maze Of Life?

Caught in the Maze of Life? Here’s the Way to Peace!

Don’t you love the peace of Christ? Oh, there’s no peace like it! However, if you’re like me, you probably get caught in the maze of life more easily than by amazing grace. It’s easy to miss a step, tumble into negative emotions, and be left dazed and amazed that the peace of Christ so quickly fled. Fortunately, I have learned that even a rat in a maze can figure out how to get the cheese! Years ago, it came to me that Jesus is the Big Cheese and that He always gives tasty tidbits..

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Worried To Death?

Worried Half to Death? Don’t “Rack” Your Brain!

Have you ever been worried half to death? Someone was telling me how every night lately he “racks his brain,” trying to figure out how to get a better job, or make the partial one he has now work out better. His thoughts always meet dead ends, so he lays there with his mind working overtime (literally), stressed and sleepless, hounded by the futility of an endless anxiety. Worried sick. We have probably all experienced it at one time or another. I used…

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Sovereignty And Free Will

Sovereignty and Free Will: How to Live with the Mystery

Just thinking about God’s sovereignty and our free will can make your head spin. There is a deep, unsolvable mystery here, the kind that split Christians right down the middle throughout church history. Happily, it is a far easier riddle to live with than to resolve. Basically, sovereignty and free will has two sides, or perspectives: the view from earth and the view of heaven. 1) The earthly view. When it comes to assigning blame you have to acknowledge free will. You have it. Others have it. So do the demons and Satan.God is NEVER…

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Invisible Kingdom and Spiritual Warfare

Invisible Kingdoms at War: How Spiritual Warfare Affects Us

Just suppose that there really is an invisible kingdom arrayed against you. What good does it do to know that? Is there anything that we can do about it? How does it impact daily life? According to no less an authority than Jesus Christ, we all have an invisible enemy—the “thief”—who comes to “steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10). Why tell us that if it isn’t true? Why burden us with knowing it, unless knowing it would help us? In fact, Jesus spoke of…

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