Inner peace and freedom - ChildInner peace and freedom are intended to flow like “rivers of living water” within us. Spiritual healing, therefore, goes deepest of all. Even though the reality of our spirit lies beyond the ability of our five senses to experience, it nevertheless holds the answer to all that affects our lives. Every breakdown in heart, mind or body traces back to this deepest of all roots.Spiritual Health - Surrender

God begins our spiritual healing through the gift of faith in Christ. However, there is one thing that necessarily depends upon us, before God can bring our spiritual life into genuine health: our full surrender to Him. To be restored to childlike simplicity of heart and genuine emotional freedom we will need to learn how to trust ourselves and all we love entirely to the One who loves us best, and be willing to follow Him in anything He requires or desires.


Depression? Emotional Pain Isn’t the Problem!

Pain is not depression. This is not widely understood, but should be shouted from the housetops. Emotional pain is not the same thing as depression! It will liberate you to understand this one truth. I am well aware that this needs careful explaining. Depression in general is murky and the “pit of depression” is a very dark place indeed. Little light penetrates. One’s whole perspective gets captured by the pain and controlled by hopelessness. I know, because I tumbled down into…

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Calm Down

Calm Down! Catch the Fox, Not the Dogs

Here’s how to calm down when you get spun up. I’m talking about those times when your old issues are really beating the drums. Things that you thought were over are suddenly back on your brain and hounding your heart with fresh angst and urgency. You’re trapped in a maze of past issues—just as thoroughly as you once were. Will there ever be an end to it? It’s driving you crazy! Relax. This is a typical ploy of your enemy when he’s got nothing better to bother you with. There’s an easy answer to this kind of attack on your mind and emotions.

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Dread Of Impending Doom

The Dread of Impending Doom and How to Defeat It

Ever get the sense of dread that something bad is brewing? You can’t put your finger on it, but you just know it’s hanging over you, ready to drop. If you are engaged in known sin, then you have a right to feel this way—consequences are coming. But let’s hope that’s not it. More likely, you’re plugging away doing your best, and still you can’t shake the feeling. I love Mark Twain’s take on this. He said, “My life’s been…

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Caught In The Maze Of Life?

Caught in the Maze of Life? Here’s the Way to Peace!

Don’t you love the peace of Christ? Oh, there’s no peace like it! However, if you’re like me, you probably get caught in the maze of life more easily than by amazing grace. It’s easy to miss a step, tumble into negative emotions, and be left dazed and amazed that the peace of Christ so quickly fled. Fortunately, I have learned that even a rat in a maze can figure out how to get the cheese! Years ago, it came to me that Jesus is the Big Cheese and that He always gives tasty tidbits..

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